Monday, September 10, 2007

no time for this shit anymore. i'm sorry to everyone who loved reading about my life so much. you'll have to find a way to stalk me on facebook now.
nothing but love.
for everyone.
yes, even you.
lets hear it for life changes.

Monday, August 27, 2007


this morning is a complete reminder of why i refuse to drink if i'm working the next day.
ended up at the strip club last night??????????????
hahah i don't even know anymore.
ton of shit to catch up on, but no time to do it.
just stay tuned, kiddos!
i'm going to get my hair diiiiiiid

Monday, August 13, 2007

fresh startttttttt

tomorrow is the day
i don't think i've ever been this weirded out about starting something new before. i don't know what it is...maybe just because i was so comfortable with everything for the past 16 months. maybe its because i have to prove myself all over again. maybe i'm just plain insane hah. probably the last one...but i'm in a different world today.
i can't really remember, but i'm sure i was like this when i started at the institute too. my mind just goes crazy...but at least everyone was starting at once there. i hate being the new kid in the crowd.
we'll see, we'll see......
i finally talked to/saw julia today. which kind of settled me down a bit, but freaked me out at the same time. she started work last week and said its just not the same as school. so at least i know no one's gunna have as much fun as we did there haha. if i was the only one not loving it i would be pretty disappointed.
my fucking standards are way too high right now. i'd just like to read this entry 6 months from now and be laughing...with joy....cause my job rules. i can only hope i guess.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

misses and kisses

there's something about being a little tipsy this early that makes me really excited haha.
i went out for dinner with my parents and sister and had a god-awesome time. i love those bitches more than i ever have lately haha. no matter how many years i hated them. thats a lie...i never hated.
came home, talked to tyler a bit on msn. it made me miss him way too much.

some of the more memorable quotes of the convo:
"Ty. says:
i only had 1.5hrs sleep
Ty. says:
last night
nikki cupcake. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
Ty. says:
and im going out tonight
nikki cupcake. says:
you cant go out tonight
Ty. says:
Ty. says:
and ummm
Ty. says:
i picked up
nikki cupcake. says:
just go get some redbulls
nikki cupcake. says:
picked up who!
Ty. says:
a non mexican
nikki cupcake. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
i love you
Ty. says:
a cute caucasion
nikki cupcake. says:
Ty. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
not even an asian
nikki cupcake. says:
i'm impressed babe"

"nikki cupcake. says:
i wanna come to buddies soon
Ty. says:
i love u tho
nikki cupcake. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
i love you too
Ty. says:
Ty. says:
u can sleep here!
nikki cupcake. says:
Ty. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
okay a coup;le weeks from now
nikki cupcake. says:
its a date
nikki cupcake. says:
awww i miss 145
Ty. says:
we can play the rape game!
Ty. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
hahahaha yay!"

"Ty. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
thanks hun
nikki cupcake. says:
kisses xo
Ty. says:
kiss kiss, hug hug
Ty. says:
tongue tongue
nikki cupcake. says:
Ty. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
penis pensi
nikki cupcake. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
okay okay
nikki cupcake. says:
go sleep"

there's something about having a gay boyfriend/best friend thats different from normal dudes or girls.
some weird in between relationship ahah.
i'm sure no one will even find any of that funny, but i don't give a care!

this week has been insane.
saturday ahah party non stop.
shout outs to mah boi, all my girls, and anyone else who has helped to make these past two weeks some of the best ones of my life!
it makes me never want to work again.
13 more minutes until the fucking "F" gets started! one more day bitchesssssss!

i make no sense and i love it.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Saturday, August 4, 2007

song obsessions and night time rampages.

its weird that the only long weekend i actually get in like years isn't even really a long weekend...cause i'm on like a two week vacation ahha.
figures. at least everyone else is in the party mood though. makes things a lot funner!

the other night my brother had his little going away bbq, so i made kelly come with me. since i obviously don't hang around my brother much ahah and don't know many of his friends.
we had a nice pre-pre-drink party with just the two of us hah.
so we stayed there for a while, then jenny came to get us to go to chris supapols. totally didn't spell that right. whatever you can all spell it out ahha. it was his birthday so he was having some people over before they went to the bar. i went for the party, but not to the bar. totally had to go into oakville the next morning, but i'll get to that.

so chris' was a good time. caught up with a couple people i hadn't seen in a while. made fun of everyone for being old....well, older than me haah. yep, it was a good time. i wish i could have gone out everyone was giving me shit for not coming haha but i couldn't help it. i didn't think a thursday night would be such an eventful one. but then again like i said, i haven't had a real long weekend in forever. or

normal weekend even.
sooooooooooooo, on friday morning i went in to speak with the managers at oakville. i didn't really know what to expect, if it was a meeting or an interview or whatever...but it was basically just like a meeting to show me the salon and talk about my position and when i'll be starting, etc etc etc.
so i'm pretty stoked about that! its a beautiful salon. and everyone there seems pretty nice. i'll be shadowing for the first month, which kind of sucks cause i feel like its setting me back. i feel like after all the advanced courses and everyhting i took i should be able to start on the floor right away, but i understand their process of it i guess.
sat around all yesterday as per usual, went to get coffee around like 730 i guess. ran into basscakes who kept me company until brad got there. we had a drink, went to the lic-bo, and went and watched the simpsons movie while we started our night ahah.

everyone was fucking busy until like 930. but it all worked out. boobs came over, we got a cab to the poacher, hung out there for the rest of the night. it was nice to see sarah before she leaves for ottawa! hopefully see her again before friday. caught up with katie a bunch too...and made fun of a certain fucking idiot who won't die already ahah!
no pictures though. i was all wined out.

toniiiiiiiiight tonight. i think i'm gunna end up going over to stef and tupps'. nikki o called me this morning and said i should be there...and i'm pretty sure thats where everyone else is gunna be, so i think i might have to be
there!! haha.

i love life.<3

Thursday, August 2, 2007

i gotta shake it with you, you gotta shake it with me

so much mstrkrft lately i love it.
summer fucking anthems.
my spacebar is half broken, so if you see words attached its just cause i'm too lazy to go back and fix the fact it didnt catch.

went to confederation park the other day. it fucking ruled. i wish i had a waterpark in my backyard ahah...or at least a pool. maybe not a wave pool, the whole non swimming thing wouldn't really work with me on that one ahah.
everyone's always pretty astonished when i tell them i can't swim. boobs said he would teach me this summer ahah. i would be stoked if that actually happened. it would make me love pools so much more than i already do. and its already a pretty big love for them.
anyways, back tothe waterpark. picked nancy and steph up around 1230 and started driving there, and just as we were about to merge onto the qew niagara nancys mom called and she still had their keys so i had to bolt it off the highway and drive back to her place. i didn't mind, but we didn't get there until about 130.
hit up the wave pool for a bit i just hung onto the tube as much as i could ahha my muscles are still killing me.
did some tube slides, got dirty chlorine water in my face, did the lazy river....thats what i need in my fucking backyard is a lazy river haha i would die.

went for lunch and nancy and steph kept feeding the seagulls. they didn't like the camera much, they kept running away from it ahha. defence mechinism. i hated my life.
after lunch nancy tried to hold my hand on the lazy river and steph called us out on it haah.
went in the wave pool again and got swarmed by a million bugs for some reason. they were all over my fucking face and the tube. decided to call it a day after that. its weird cause those same bugs were attacking caits yellow shirt later that night, and the tube was yellow. i think its some kind of new bug that loves yellow. i dont know. weird though.
but apparently you can go after 4 and its only half price, so i think we'll be going back there one hot night sometimes soon. i would def be down.

yesterday did nothing all day except for slept. its been amazing having sort of a summer vacation. not having to do anything ever, sleeping as much as i want, staying out knowing i don't have to work allday the next day.
i love it. went to tims around 8 and sat with kay bailey for a bit while i waited for cait to show up after she got back fromwork. he's studying for another test of some sort for his paramedic stuff...i looked at his book for about two seconds before i got confused ahah. i don't know how he does it.

sat around there for a bit, then went up to jays with nancy and wally to watch 300. i didn't expect it to be as good as it was. i really didn't know what to expect, but it was a pretty fucking good movie.
totally have a crush on gerard butler after that. holy fuck. i think i have a thing for older men lately ahahahah its kind of creeping me out. is that wrong?

anyways, jays house is beautiful. i hadn't been up there since they moved in. its fucking huge...and had the biggest couch in the world ahah. i felt so tiny on it. it ruled.

i had to go on a search today just to find my camera connector thing. ubs
whatever its called. my room is such a disaster. boxes and bags is what im living out of ahha. my brother moves on saturday, and then i can get settled in downstairs. i'm never really home for it to matter much anyways...and i kind of like my matress on the ground. it makes it easier to pass out when i come home. i just dive and sleep hah.

tims in a bit , meeting up with lauren later!!! haven't seen her since i got home, i'm stoked.
then my bros having a going away bbq tonight which means i get to start the party extra early ahah. stick around here for a while probably then go hang out with jessa and kelly. whos knows what trouble i'll get up to after that. all i know is i fucking love summer. and never want these next two weeks to end.
except for the fact i have 15$ to my name which will definetly be spent in about an hour. BUT, visa did up my limit to 2500$....hahahaha bad news. but at least i know i have money for the next week and a half. i'll pay it back eventually....
fuck i hate credit cards.

get at me tonight!


Monday, July 30, 2007

summer vaca

home is amazing so far!
im so happy here. happy happy happy! i didn't realize how actually unhappy ive been the past months until recently ahah. its weird. i was like stuck in a vortex ahahha. or hypnotized or something.

we're going to confederation park tomorrow. i'm pretty excited to soak up the sun all day long.
and probably catch some sort of disease ahhahaha... or die froma chlorine overload.
i haven't been to a water park in a long time. i actually don't even know how to swim, but i like to wade in the water. me and the lazy river are basically best friends.
i gotta start getting my shit in order.
i need to call oakville tomorrow and figure out a time to go talk to them, then start shopping around for cars which i'm pretty excited about. but its gunna be broke city for a little while. i guess i dealt with it for a year and a half, i can stick it out for a little longer haha.

some pictures from the st. alvia show on wednesday night.
definetly a good time! hopefully many more good nights this summer. i feel like its just started, even though its half over.

okay okay enough of this. i'm going to watch a movie.


Friday, July 27, 2007


i'm suprisingly actually getting sad that i'm leaving.
my apartment is all packed up, i'm about to go for my last night's sleep. and its a little depressing.
i guess just more the fact i'm leaving my family that i've had for the last year and a half. i fucking love them more than i can ever explain. something about basically living with a ton of people that are all so different, and we all have the most fun ever together.
the hardest part is going to be not seeing julia everyday. fuck.
but i guess thats how it was when i moved away from all my friends in burlington. now i get to see them all again more and more and more!

haha. on a brighter note, i got new tail combs today! i don't think anyone who actually lurks this shit will understand my excitement. but its pretty fucking exciting haha!

poacher tomorrow night for anyone in burlington who reads this!!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007


i cannot believe it took me this long to realize that i'm so much happier and so much better of with things this way.
its been so long since i've been able to say i'm genuinely happy, and i am. i really am.
and things are only gunna get better from here :)

i had a great conversation with nicole today. it made me realize how so many good things come from the bad ones. and that i should be thankful for every step my life has taken, cause without them i wouldn't be exactly where i am right now...and i can't picture wanting to be anywhere else.
i'm excited for life for the first time in years. i'm excited to get up every day and do my job and talk to all my friends and see everyone i love and not have to worry. i don't have to give myself to anyone else right now. which at first was a little weird, but fuck. this is my time. i'm sure i've said all these exact same things a couple entries ago, but i don't give a shit ahah.

my family is having a big dinner tonight. i of course ate out earlier cause no one told me about it haha but whatever. i got to see aunts and uncles i havent seen for ages. i even got a super late belated birthday present! not even knowingly they got me a bath set from sephora, and it comes with a little travel bag with cupcakes on the inside! i was stoked.

anyways, time for more coffee. of course! haah.


Saturday, July 21, 2007

would you go along with someone like me

Aries: Your romantic life is about to take an interesting turn. Things are going to get shaken up - get ready!
facebook horoscopes make me excited about life ahahhahaha.
theyve been pretty bang on lately though, so i'm stoked.
they officially know my order at my starbucks. julia went in yesterday and ordered the same thing as me and they were all so astonished. i'm apprently the only person at that location who has ever ordered my drink. they even named it. "naked white mocha". ahahha thats what they call out now.
its gunna suck having to train new starbucks bitches ahhaha.
one more week of this hellhole and i'll be entirely worry free!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

that's all i have to say.
i love myself :)

Monday, July 9, 2007

i need something to do while i let my nails dry and don't touch anything.
i got a manicure today, and in between that and getting coffee i changed my pants in my car to my new pair of extremely tight (and incredibley hot) bermuda shorts...and totally ruined everything! well, ruined my nails at least. but i basically fixed them, so its okay.
i'm glad i've found myself at home right now, and bored, because procrastination has gotten in the way of my date with my resume. i've been meaning to update it for WEEKS now and keep putting it off. that, and packing. but anyways, i have to email it in to chelsea tomorrow so she can forward it to oakville. hopefully they want me :)
if not i'm totally going to work with julia. i'm gunna go crazy without seeing her everyday. :(
this weekend was great. saturday night was awesome. well everything about it except the fact i was fed a poison cookie! but i did survive the attack of the raisins until next time.
yesterday was good too. saw 1408 and got dinner. good movie. john cusak is getting a little too beefy lately...he needs to hit the gym before my love dies. then got coffee and watched children of men. actually i bought it cause i couldn't find it in the rental section ahah! but it was a good movie so i don't mind.
today i went shopping and spend tooooooo much money! i need to start work so bad. my visa is somehow gunna get maxed out again...which isn't hard to believe ahah but would be terrible.
anyways, nails are dry and i need to go try and get some time in on my resume before i probably go drink more caffine!!

Monday, July 2, 2007


im gunna be completely honest in this post. not hold back, not worry about whom i'm exposing or not. or if anyone really finds out how i really feel.
this past month has been the most fucked up in a long time. its been up and down, my emotions have been all over the court. going over options, what do i really want? who do i really want?
i've figured out i don't want anyone. for the time being, at least. when you give all of yourself to someone, and constantly have it thrown back in your face for something "better", it kind of takes a toll. especially when better doesn't turn out that way at all.
i had a friend tell me not long ago that i have no self respect. as hard as that was to hear, and as harsh as it seems, sometimes brutal honesty is what you need to hear. continuously putting myself into a situation where i already know what the outcome is going to be, is a fucking dumb idea. and i did it countless times.

i'm almost happy by myself.
i'm moving on, and moving up. and i, for the first time in a long time, don't feel like i NEED anyone there with me. to help me through it, to hold my hand. im okay by myself.
as much as i thought that i needed support and just wanted that cushion to fall into, sometimes hitting the ground isnt that bad. and really wakes you up. i don't want things in my life that are going to make me unhappy, or impede its progression. so from now on only positive things and people are allowed in my life. if its going to make me feel like shit, for one second, its not worth it.
and it feels so good to realize and enforce this.
it feels amazing.

this week is full of packing and organizing.
these next couple weeks are going to be insane in regards to me-time.
i'm by myself in a two bedroom apartment, with almost no furniture. no one to talk to.
i can't wait to see how i feel at the end of it ahah.
come over and keep me company if i like you.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

i cannot wait to be back home.
i decided i'm gunna move back the second last weekend in july. fuck my life is so in limbo right now...and i have so much to do in the next three weeks. but at the same time im so stoked that everything is moving on.
this weekend has been pretty crazy. it reminded me how much fun i can have when i'm not worried about other things all the time.
thats all for now. i need coffee.
oh, and ps, because i know you read this...we all know you're still in love with him. get a life. xooooooo!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007


in reality, most people i talk to don't make a difference in my life.
so if you don't like me, don't waste either of our time talking to me.
seems pretty simple, doesn't it?

Saturday, June 23, 2007

randomness all around

my horoscope for today:
"You'll find yourself in a situation where you want to be flexible, but if you're too laid back, you'll get walked all over. Make your opinion known."
pretty applicable to my life.
my opinion is that i just hate being lied to about anything, but whatever makes you happy, go for it.
i've been having to hit the spacebar on here pretty hard lately. my computer's probably fucked, too. i was suppose to go home this weekend, but after a little too much party last night and not enough sleep before this morning, i decided to stay here and be a loser and watch a movie by myself tonight and sleep. good enough plan for me.
life's been throwing curve balls at me.
i'm totally gunna make this one a home run though.
and am definetly going to stop with the baseball analogies....
ps im watching baseball right now by myself ahha what have i turned into.
whatever, its background noise.
cuddle buddy needed.
that's all.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

lame-os and birthday boobie cupcakes, what a week.

i had some stuff written down on here, and then i decided to post pictures and then all the stuff disappeared. it wasn't really anything important, anyways, so don't get too bummed out about it.
i'm not impressed right now. i was a couple minutes ago, but not so much right now. there's certain people who are in my life, who really shouldn't be there at all. and its because of association, and their little weasel ways that they somehow keep making cameos. and i'm pretty over it, to be honest. pretty really over it.
i've sacrificed me being happy for years ahha for what? nothing. obviously it doesn't make me unhappy, anymore, but i just think its lame.
ANYWAAAAAAAAYS fuck that noise, go keep doing everything you want to try to be cool, "bahhhh"-ing the whole way along, and have a nice life.
swam on monday, talked to an old friend today, BBQ with birthday boobie cupcakes on friday. get stoked!

Friday, June 15, 2007

sick of:
-people's holy-er than thou attitudes
-having to walk home past a million crazys every day
-almost everything to do with this city, actually
-how time passes slowly when you need it to speed up

will always love:
-bff's who listen to me and make me feel better
-licorice parties, with or without other patrons
-telling people all the things that make you a shitty person
-shit-talking, in general, people i don't like
-my big, beautiful bed
-a long overdue cryfest

today was a bad day.
it made me look at some people differently
and made me remember why i love some people so much in the first place.
i need the weekend so bad, and i got another 24 hours until i get to it.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Color Quiz Click here to read the rest of the results.

this quiz was pretty fucking accurate ahah.

totally interesting to read.

this weekend was good. i had an awesome time at home. fuck toronto, i can't wait to leave. totally gunna be having a see yuh party at the end of july, so keep your ears posted!

Friday, June 8, 2007

t's guest after i give her a stress relief: "wow, your boyfriend must love you!"
hahahahaha ohhh if she only knew.
school has been sweet lately. i've been a lot more talkative with clients for some reason. i haven't been hating on people as much i guess. tip city, whats up!
went to cancer bats with frances last night. good times. watched canada's next top model with julia on wednesday. also good times.
today me and tristan were talking and the question came up once again about where i'm working when i'm done. i really need to buckle down and figure my shit out. he suggested oakville civello's (as well as almost everyone else i've talked to)...i just don't know. i guess i should go check it out before i make any decisions. but i guess it could be fun. rich ladys. right on lakeshore. can't really think of much more to ask for in a salon ahah.
more seriously, though, dad's been sick all week. his lungs are inflated and he hasn't been feeling well at all.
my heart dropped when mom told me. i'm glad i'm going home this weekend. i just hope that he gets better. that's the last type of stress i need.
party tomorrow night!

Monday, June 4, 2007

aaaaaaand its back to the way it was.
but i guess it didn't really ever change.
i got my guards back up and they aren't coming down for a while.
life is all about me now.
home in 2 months and i've never been happier about it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

bad start

i just ate the most terrible bagel ever.
it seriously tasted so horrible. i want to die now. i don't even know why i finished it. i alwyas force myself to eat thinking sometimes i just shouldn't try at all. bleh.
on a happier note, tomorrow is someone special's birthday! we're making dinner and opening presents tonight :)
and tomorrow is the bo birthday dinner i'm bringing lots of desserts, so get excited! if you're invited that is haaaaahahah....
life is good right now, two more months and i'll be moving back home for a bit. to anyone i haven't mentioned that too, here's some awesome news ahha.
i'll probably move back to the city in a couple years. i just wanna save lots of money and have lots of nice things and thats way easier not paying a bazillion dollars for rent alone every month!
oh and i'll get to drive again which makes me happy.
anyways, off to get my coffee and then to school! lets hope i get lots of tips today :)
happy early birthday, boo!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


yep. life.
i've made some major life changing decisions in the last two days.
i've thought about a lot and i've realized how wrong ive been the last little while.
sometimes you just have to learn stuff for yourself, though.
i'm just glad i have the most supportive friends and family i could ask for.
ive done lots the last couple weeks. baseball games, shows, partys.
i can't remember. someone should invent some kind of pill or vitamin that helps improve memory.
i definetly need one, and it would definetly be awesome if something like that actually existed.
i need to clean my room tonight.
burlington this weekend.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

being a girl sucks

you know what i hate.
how i am in absolutely no control of my emotions.
sometimes, even when i don't want to get upset, i still get upset.
even when i tell myself there's nothing wrong, for some reason i still act like there is.
i solely blame this on birth control, and other fucked up hormones that women get the lovely pleasure of having.
sure, its made some of my assets a little more lucious, and it ensures that no babies are coming out of here anytime soon, but fuck. its just so ridiculous that we need to add MORE hormones into our already-over-run-by-hormones bodies.
anyways, i'm just angry cause i act how i try not to.
and it sucks.

on another note, today and tomorrow are spring cleaning days. and i'm actually kind of stoked about it. sometimes cleaning is fun. and i have a feeling this will be one of those times.

OH AND if anyone had an extra couch theyre getting rid of within the next couple months, let me know! my living room is too empty right now :( haha


Friday, April 27, 2007


vidal sassoon stole my idea!!!!

from day ONE i've said that ray should have made a fucking reality show out of the school
and now the vidal sassoon academy has one premiering on TLC!!!!!!!!!!

its called making the cut.
i'm so jealous.
i wish it was us.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

i have no voice today. well i do but its like really fucked up. this happened to me last time i got sick too it sucks i feel like i sound like a fucking duck or something weird like that.
anyways, me and pat went to a jays game last night. it was really fun! suprisingly ahah. except when the asshole "security" (aka bag checkers) took my arizona iced tea at the gate. i got really mad. especially since i spent like 5$ on mine and pat's drink and they weren't even opened. asshole.
haha whatever so the game. it was fun. at first it was kind of boring. well, most of it was boring. except when players actually hit the ball, hit a foul ball, when people in the 500s section were funneling beers and causing a comotion, etc. oh, and my favourite part of the game was when the "releif" pitcher came in! he's my new crush. his name is Casey Janssen. and i would totally go watch another game just to wait for him to come out again ahah! seriously so cute. i was stoked.
mhmm! and they won so i guess thats a plus haha.
im stoked to go to more games this summer. i hope they have the dome open next time i go!


Monday, April 16, 2007

poor again

so i finished up all my birthday shopping this weekend.

all my money is spent ahah...i probably should have saved some for like living, but i didn't and there's nothing i can do about it ahah.

anyways, here's pictures of all the shit i got. i love it all and can't wait to wear it. i'm basically set for all of summer considering 5 days of the week i have to wear black and i only picked up one black cardigan. so i guess its good in a way ahah.

all of it!

cute dresses i like the one on the right the best.

shoesies...3 pairs of flats 1 pair of heels. i figured i be more practical ahha since i wear flats 80% of the time.

i saw this shirt from far away and had to get it "club sodas not seals" with a seal holding a club soda! i'm a nerd ahha but i think its adorable so i don't give a shit. and i think some money goes to peta, which i'm down with. and a pair of blue shorts. i'm not a huge shorts fan, but these ones were too sweet to pass up.

the one black item i got haha its just a cardigan lightweight for summer to go over dresses i wear to school. and a red three-quarter sleeve jacket with white cherries on it. love it.
cardigan with little aces and clubs and shit all over it i thought it was cute and a purple tank top to match, as well as another tank top.
another shirt with those things all over it ahah it was cheap and i like that kind of shit. the back comes really low on it, its cute. green tunic...the color in this picture doesn't do it justice its such a pretty green! and a white cardigan which ive been looking for for forever now it seems like! its perfect though ahha exactly what i was looking for.
two more tunics. i like the way these ones fit theyre lower cut and KIND of have an empire waist, but theyre a bit tighter so they don't make me look preggers.
and lastly, red cardigan and a purple thermal type shirt.

now that i'm looking at everything its a lot of basics, but its stuff ive been looking for for a while now. anyways, i'm totally happy with everything i got. yay birthdays!

i'm all shopped out so i'm going to take a nap ahha.


Friday, April 13, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

we be ballin'

i just counted all my tips that i've been saving for the last 2 months.
it added up to $596.50.
i am going to have the best weekend shopping that ive had in over a year.
i love life.

Monday, April 9, 2007

birthday week!

ya this week has been insane, to say the least. but amazaing all at the same time.
this will probably sound like a bunch of jibberish, but apparently i like documenting my life lately. so if you don't care, this is the point where you should stop reading!
sunday was the ABAs it was insane. so much more than i expected to be helping with.
so like i said, woke up at like 530, and i decided to take the subway cause i found change or something. i cant remember. anyways, walked down to starbies, got my venti white mocha and continued on my way. so i get to queen st and the one side of the st the subway doors are locked. and my being the fucking retard that i am decided to check the other side anyways. so i go down and im like oh sweet this side is open, and the doors at the bottom of the stairs are locked. so i was down there trying to open a door that obviously wasn't going to open along with this fucking scary ass homeless guy who was laying on the floor moaning and like convulsing. i can honestly say i was terrified and have never felt that feeling before and hope that i never feel it again.
so i ran away from him and decided i would have to walk the rest of the way, which was my original plan anyways. it really didn't take long at all. 45 minutes with the starbucks stop. not bad.
anyways, got there before basically everyone. roey, morgan, and alana were there along with a couple of the models, but none of us had anything to do until everyone else got there. so when darlene showed up she immediately had me start helping her, and kind of asked if it was cool that i stay past the time that i was suppose to. so i was all ya whatever i dont care...little did i know i'd be running up and down escalators all day ahah. but it was fun. so i got the whole wardrobe ready, kinda helped out with what people needed, and then all of a sudden darlene had a headset for me to wear. and thats when i got a lot more important ahah. basically i just helped her make sure everyone was where they were suppose to be all day. it was a good time though, and i got to leave before the show was over so i didnt have to help clean up the piles of garbage around.
so i got home around 3ish i think...maybe 4:00. pat finally got home from his trip so i got to see him which was nice. 4 days feels like a lot longer than it really is haha.
then monday i went back to the ABAs with colleen and met up with julia later on just to do some shopping. i got a new blowdryer, and bunch of makeup and OPI nailpolish for super cheap, a new roundbrush...and i cant rememeber what else, but it ruled at the time ahah.
after having enough of that i went home for my one night of decent sleep.
tuesday was sweet, went to school and then to set your goals. it was a good time. saw some friends, saw some shitty bands and one sweet one haha. met pat's friend JD whos awesome.
wednesday was top model. it wasnt as awesome as i thoguht it would be this week. the previews showed 50 cent pushing jayel into the pool, but he was like laughing while he was doing it in the show. whatever though. i cnat even remember what else happened. probably cause i have a terrible memory.
thursday nothign worth mentioning went on. friday went to burlington. slept all day basically once we got there cause nothing was open ahha. went out for dinner with my parents. i'll post some pictures later once SOMEONE sends them to me. then we went to see grindhouse. it was so good! i want to go see it again. we might go see it at cheap night on tuesday. planet terror was a lot better for gore reasons, but i liked death proof cause it was different. both sweet movies, though.
saturday went to limeridge mall in hamilton cause im insane and wanted to buy this dress that i didnt even get. i think i might go pick it up today, though. it has cherries on it. only reason i wanted it ahah.
after that went to sonic unyon. saw lots of stuff i would have wanted if i gave a shit about records ahah and had money. but i have neither of those things, so i just looked.
stopped by the new shop on the way home so pat could make an appt and he wanted to check it out. its cute. i like all the fish ahha. i'll probably start getting some work done there once i have a job. which is soon. which is scary.......yay for real careers! even if i am just a hairstylist. gunna be the best fucking one around. bleh.
anyways! saturday night made our way back to the city to go to a show at adrift. i had a terrible time and didn't want to be there, but i guess there's certain things i'm just going to have to learn to live with.
the show wasnt really that bad, i'm jsut a huge baby and take shit way too personally. but it was alright.
sunday was nice. got tim hortons easter breakfast ahahah...which consisted of bagels and donuts. played vids a bit and were just lazy. i loved it. sunday night we went to JDs for dinner. his gf nicole made an amazing easter dinner. tofurkey, potatoes, and lots of veggies ahah. i think eveyone i meet thinks im crazy at first when they find out i dont liek veggies. i am kinda crazy for it. jay leno doesn't eat them either!!!!!!
anyways, we had never had tofurkey before, but it was amazing. i loved it. but i love i might be partial. after dinne rthe boys played guitar hero and me and nicole played trouble ahahahah it was so amazing i haven't played that game in forever! she won like three time then we made JD and pat play with us. and i think she won again. i'm not very good at it. i think i just need some practice with my popping skills though. its been a couple years ahah.
we tried to go see grindhouse again after that, but unfortunately didn't get to see it. the times on the internet said 9:30, but apparently it started at 8:30. terrible. so instead we went to Mr. Movie and rented Stranger than Fiction. it was okay. i don't know how i feel about Will Farrell in a more serious type roll. i felt like i was suppose to be laughing at parts that weren't at all remotely funny. he did a good job, but just not something i'd like to see him in all the time.
so thats about it for my birthday week!
which brings us up to today. my real birthday!
i get to spend most of it alone, since 90% of the people i know work today, and the other 10% don't live close enough to hang out with haha. its fine though. cause next weekend is birthday shopping.
if i know you and love you, call me today.
we'll have birthday chats.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

i actually like being retardedly busy?

its 8:18.
i just got home within the last 1/2 hour.
i have to wake up between 5 and 5:30 depending on when i can drag my ass out of bed.
make myself presentable by 6:30.
walk to the convention center from here because i'm broke.
be there for 7:30.
steam clothes all morning.
probably shampoo a bunch on sinks that are worse then shampooing someone in a bathtub.
stop by the school and see if they need any extra hands.
go home and sleep and go back to the convention center for monday.
but monday is shopping day!
yay new blow dryer and tail comb and whatever else i can find!

Friday, March 30, 2007

oh, life.

this weekend is gunna suck. well, not really...more like suck and rule at the same time.
tomorrow night i think we're all going to the drake cause a bunch of my school friends are finished this week. we'll see if i have money to go to that....i'm so fucking broke. sunday and monday are the ABAs, which i'm pretty stoked about. i think i'm helping with model prep sunday at the school which should be fun, and a good experience. i was a model last year, so i kind of got to see all of what goes on behind the scenes, but not take part in the stuff i should be taking part in ahah. its not like i'm going to be a hair model the rest of my life...
anyways, that'll be a good time for sure. i'm still waiting to find out if they actually need me or not, but kris said its better to have more help than you need then not enough. totally true.
and mondaaaay is the show that i'm going to. stoked. me and julia are going together and gunna hang out all day i'm pretty sure. gunna meet up with lisa there for a bit too which i'm excited about! i haven't seen her in like a year probably. but that will all change ahha. gunna get a new blow dryer cause mine apparently can't withstand anything ahah and probably a ton of products i definetly don't need ahahha i love ABAs.
so thats the awesome part of my weekend. shitty part is pat's gone for 4 days! i don't have my other half to message when something goes wrong ahah. or goes awesome. or just goes. oh welll he's having fun on a roadtrip and i have to admit i'm super jealous. i haven't been on a roadtrip for ages and def want to go on a for-no-good-reason one soon! (miss you already)
next week is hectic too. tuesday is Set Your Goals. wednesday is ANTM. thursday is sleep night...or go out for my birthday night i really haven't decided if i want to do anything big for it yet. and friday i think im going home for birthday dinner with the 'rents...saturday come back to the city, be at adrift for the Fucked Up show by 7. then hopefully just relax on sunday! and eat chocolate, of course. AND THEN MONDAY IS MY BIRTHDAY WOOOOO!!! which i basically have to spend alone cause everyone in the world works! assholes. oh well the rest of the entire week before that is a celebration enough.
okay i'm rambling.

Monday, March 26, 2007

fuck tha po-lice!

i got my first ticket today. i feel like i have all the driving problems ever. i never hear about any of my friends denting the front of their cars or taking of mirrors or getting tickets...but maybe nobody talks about it?
haha whatever. ANYWAYS, here's how it went down.
i picked lauren up from her bf's apartment, and i'm rolling down Francis Rd. (direct reference for any of you from burlington), and theres some cops talking to the left of this intersection i was stopping at. so I CAME TO A COMPLETE STOP...but didn't stop for the required 3 seconds. didn't really think anything of it cause fuck, no one but old grannys stop for that long. for real.
so, i continue on my way, me and lauren are drinking our coffees, and like 20 seconds after i passed that stop sign, i see the cop behind me with his lights on. i was like ya right is he actually pulling me over right now? and yes, he in fact was.
definelty never gotten pulled over in my 3 years of driving. and for something as petty as that...not stopping for the full amount of time at the stop sign. like fuck, come on. needless to say i was not very impressed. and still am not. mom's gunna try and fight it for me. oh ya, AND it was $110. WTF speeding tickets aren't even that much money. seems a little bit excessive to me...
and yep that was about the highlight of my day ahah.
ps the weather is insane. the rain stopped and started about 10 times this morning, literally. then clearled up and it was beautiful. now its hailing. insane. i might stay at my parent's until tomorrow and then take the train back in the morning. we'll see.
anyways i'm going to sulk about not having money to pay this ticket and decide if i want to be back in the city tonight or not.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


i never want to grow up...
and i want to move home, just so everyone knows.
well kind of. not entirely ahah.
my parents took me shopping this weekend for no reason. it started off that we were gunna get a laptop bag thing, and then my dad mentioned that he needed jeans or chords. and then i mentioned that i needed jeans or chords (really just jeans). and the next thing i know we're at oakville place and i'm leaving with 3 pairs of jeans and a bunch of black cute stuff for school. oh and my laptop bag.
and in conclusion i miss not having to pay for all my own stuff, and sometimes getting things handed to me. sighhhhhh...
anyways burlington is boring and hopefully i'm raging tomorrow with my main bitch. i still need a roommate.
love life xoxox

Sunday, March 18, 2007

party all the timeeee

not all ahah
party by myself on a sunday night cause everyone works on mondays is more like it. ohhh wellll.
i watched the holiday tonight. i've already seen it, but i loved it the first time so thought i should rent it since it just came out. its a really cute movie...typical romantic comedy type deal. i like it thought.

this weekend was fun watched a ton of basketball since the NCAA tournement is on. basketball is basically the only sport i actually enjoy watching. well, football is growing on me too, but basketball has always been sweet.

hm what else. oh ANTM this week was fun. makeover episode. none of the cuts or colors seemed that awesome. a lot of brunettes, which is cool but can get boring. russian broad looks even more busted with the "vidal sassoon inspired" cut ahahah i was looking forward to something like awesome, but it was a typical straight fringe, one length cut. or at least looked that way. that renee bitch's cut was sweet, but i fucking hate her so i can't even like it ahahha. shes so fucking annoying she's way too insecure about herself in the competition so she has to make fun of anyone and everyone. and jayal or whatever the fuck her name is is fucking hilarious. her voice is so gross...but she takes sweet pictures so whatever ahha i want her to win the whole thing.

i would elaborate on it more but its been almost a week since it was on and i forget what else happened ahah.

oh right so i got my new laptop. i dont remember if i wrote about that yet or not. maybe i did, maybe i didnt....but its awesome! just a cute little HP. i like it.
anyways im bored and have shit to do tomorrow.

me and pat went to frans tonight for dinner so here's a couple pictures for all you secret nikki lovers. i know who you areeeeee!
i actually dont, but whatever.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

broken everything

computer's busted big time. mom bought me a laptop for my birthday cause she's awesome, i get it on thursday...even though my birthday isn't for another month. so i'm using colleen's for now, which is why i didn't do any of the ANTM updates i talked about.
basically all the girls are busted, that hilarious retarded girl that got banished from model land first was my favourite ("i know, right!"), big eyebrow broad who got voted off last week i thought would win it all cause her look is so high fashion, but shes gone too...lets just say im glad i didn't place money on anything. i guess i'll have to just wait to see who starts to do better and shit to make any more judgements. always too quick to analyze.
school is awesome, life is awesome. 4.5 more months and i'm finally making some goddamn cash. antoinetta said that if i work at rosedale i can make up to 900$ a week in off my tips, put my salary away. we'll see what actually happens. i would kind of like to work at queen st more, but it all depends i suppose.
anyways, more updates soon.
yayyyy xox

Monday, February 26, 2007

getting there

obsessions as of late:

since i've been sick for a million years, and tv and movies get boring by yourself, i stole the super nintendo from my parent's house on the weekend. its great. i forgot how much i love this thing.

at least i feel a little better now and can go back to school tomorrow.
make some money moneeey..and see everyone.
yayyyy for being better.

ANTM starts on wednesday. be prepared for weekly updates about how i feel
about everything and who i think is going to win/should win.


Friday, February 23, 2007

sicky sicky sick-sick i've been dying for the last week.
i went to the doctors on monday, and he thought i had strept throat so he gave me these pills and a doctors note. tuesday stayed home to rest, felt better. wednesday went to school, and they sent me home. thursday died all day...thursday night lost my stomache from 11:00 - 5:30am. and now i'm awake and dying and sad cause i just want to feel normal again.
so this is where everyone feels bad for me and brings me hugs and tissues.
last weekend was fun...went to kelsey's boyfriend's birthday party. unfortunately i was exahusted and started falling asleep on the couch while all the boys played guitar hero.
sunday went grocery shopping with patrick, then mom picked me up to go home. hung out with cait and lauren it was funn. i wish it was summer so there was like more to do than watch movies inside.
i love summer.
anyways, i really don't have anything to say or talk about. i just want some company. i get so lonely when i'm sick. and sucky :(
blehhhhhh xo

Monday, February 12, 2007

okay, real update...lets go!

so im gunna kill my fucking computer cause its a piece of shit that doesn't do anything right. halfway through my entry the internet stops working for the ten millionth time today.
ANYWAYS fucking retard machine...basic sum-up of the last couple weeks starting with two weekends ago:
me and pat went to burlington.

went to the record store, it was closed, went to the other record store, looked at/bought records. went to the mall, bought too much shit. ate dinner with the rents, went to see alpha dog, justin timberlake is so fucking hot, came home and looked at my parent's records.

that was fun they have a lot of sweet old stuff. i died at my dad's bob dylan collection. i didn't know he actually liked him as much as i do ahah i thought he just like kind of liked him or something.
anyways, pat went home monday afternoonish and i stayed to hang out with lauren and cait...but then cait forgot to come meet up with us haha oops. so me and lauren just hung out.

sooo came back to toronto on monday night...hung around, did laundry, did groceries, slept a whole lot, hung out with sweet dudes a whole lot, watched sex and the city season 3....yep thats about it ahah. it was a good week off...i definetly needed it.

last weekend me and pat went to london. didnt get in until late on friday night. saturday we went to the record store downtown and spent WAY too much time in there haha.

after that we hung out with kris, ashley, jesse, his gf amy, and mike. we ate at ben was delicious. the one in london is so much sweeter than the one in hamilton ahah.

after that we went back to kris and ashley's and me and ashley played super mario world for a bit. i totally havent played in forever...i used to be so pro at it. i wish i had super nintendo here...i should trade it for the N64 i stole from my parents house ahah super nintendo is so much sweeter anyways. i'll have to do it one time when no one is paying attention ahah.

anyways, after that we went to this place called Fleetway or something and played miniputt and bowling and ate ice cream. it was pretty sweet.

after that we went back to kris and ashley's and played this board game called scene it about movies and actors and stuff. it was pretty sweet. my team won every time. its totally cause i'm so knowledgeable about movies and actors and have a great memory so i remember everything.

yep, it was a pretty sweet saturday. sunday we hung out with pat's parents and watched the superbowl and were lazy all day. it was fun i love donna and dave. my team won. only cause i always get my way ahahahah...

tuesday i started my new course at school. its been pretty good so far. lots of review and stuff. we start taking clients this week. although i did have to fix this one guest's hair that another girl kind of messed up and didn't have time to fix. which was kind of fun cause i haven't done hair in like over a week. i was all nervous and stuff cause i could feel everyone watching me'd think after a year of doing it every day all my nerves would be gone, but these people's opinions matter even more than before.

anyways, we won't talk about that too much. we'll just leave it at its good so far, and im stoked for the next 6 months. should be a fun time.

this weekend was chill. just hung out with pat did cleaning and laundry and stuff ahah. it was still fun though. oh my god we ate at hero burger...and its my new favourite place to eat ever ahah. it has been since we ate there a couple weeks ago...but its just so amazing i love it so much ahah. oh and i saw renee when we were coming back from rotate this. i miss her.

anyways im rambling about nothing now. thats what i get for not updating for almost 3 weeks.
never again.
school tomorrow wheeeeee this week should be good.
happy valentine's day, lovers.

oh ya ps

last day of school <3