Monday, September 10, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
fresh startttttttt
Saturday, August 11, 2007
misses and kisses
"Ty. says:
i only had 1.5hrs sleep
Ty. says:
last night
nikki cupcake. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
Ty. says:
and im going out tonight
nikki cupcake. says:
you cant go out tonight
Ty. says:
Ty. says:
and ummm
Ty. says:
i picked up
nikki cupcake. says:
just go get some redbulls
nikki cupcake. says:
picked up who!
Ty. says:
a non mexican
nikki cupcake. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
i love you
Ty. says:
a cute caucasion
nikki cupcake. says:
Ty. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
not even an asian
nikki cupcake. says:
i'm impressed babe"
i wanna come to buddies soon
Ty. says:
i love u tho
nikki cupcake. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
i love you too
Ty. says:
Ty. says:
u can sleep here!
nikki cupcake. says:
Ty. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
okay a coup;le weeks from now
nikki cupcake. says:
its a date
nikki cupcake. says:
awww i miss 145
Ty. says:
we can play the rape game!
Ty. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
hahahaha yay!"
nikki cupcake. says:
thanks hun
nikki cupcake. says:
kisses xo
Ty. says:
kiss kiss, hug hug
Ty. says:
tongue tongue
nikki cupcake. says:
Ty. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
penis pensi
nikki cupcake. says:
nikki cupcake. says:
okay okay
nikki cupcake. says:
go sleep"
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
song obsessions and night time rampages.

normal weekend even.

Thursday, August 2, 2007
i gotta shake it with you, you gotta shake it with me

went for lunch and nancy and steph kept feeding the seagulls. they didn't like the camera much, they kept running away from it ahha. defence mechinism. i hated my life.

whatever its called. my room is such a disaster. boxes and bags is what im living out of ahha. my brother moves on saturday, and then i can get settled in downstairs. i'm never really home for it to matter much anyways...and i kind of like my matress on the ground. it makes it easier to pass out when i come home. i just dive and sleep hah.
except for the fact i have 15$ to my name which will definetly be spent in about an hour. BUT, visa did up my limit to 2500$....hahahaha bad news. but at least i know i have money for the next week and a half. i'll pay it back eventually....
Monday, July 30, 2007
summer vaca
we're going to confederation park tomorrow. i'm pretty excited to soak up the sun all day long.
some pictures from the st. alvia show on wednesday night.

okay okay enough of this. i'm going to watch a movie.
Friday, July 27, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007

my family is having a big dinner tonight. i of course ate out earlier cause no one told me about it haha but whatever. i got to see aunts and uncles i havent seen for ages. i even got a super late belated birthday present! not even knowingly they got me a bath set from sephora, and it comes with a little travel bag with cupcakes on the inside! i was stoked.
anyways, time for more coffee. of course! haah.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
would you go along with someone like me
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007

Sunday, July 1, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
randomness all around
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
lame-os and birthday boobie cupcakes, what a week.

Friday, June 15, 2007
will always love:
today was a bad day.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
bad start
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
being a girl sucks
how i am in absolutely no control of my emotions.
sometimes, even when i don't want to get upset, i still get upset.
even when i tell myself there's nothing wrong, for some reason i still act like there is.
i solely blame this on birth control, and other fucked up hormones that women get the lovely pleasure of having.
sure, its made some of my assets a little more lucious, and it ensures that no babies are coming out of here anytime soon, but fuck. its just so ridiculous that we need to add MORE hormones into our already-over-run-by-hormones bodies.
anyways, i'm just angry cause i act how i try not to.
and it sucks.
on another note, today and tomorrow are spring cleaning days. and i'm actually kind of stoked about it. sometimes cleaning is fun. and i have a feeling this will be one of those times.
OH AND if anyone had an extra couch theyre getting rid of within the next couple months, let me know! my living room is too empty right now :( haha
Friday, April 27, 2007
from day ONE i've said that ray should have made a fucking reality show out of the school
and now the vidal sassoon academy has one premiering on TLC!!!!!!!!!!
its called making the cut.
i'm so jealous.
i wish it was us.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007
poor again
all of it!

cute dresses i like the one on the right the best.
shoesies...3 pairs of flats 1 pair of heels. i figured i be more practical ahha since i wear flats 80% of the time.
i saw this shirt from far away and had to get it "club sodas not seals" with a seal holding a club soda! i'm a nerd ahha but i think its adorable so i don't give a shit. and i think some money goes to peta, which i'm down with. and a pair of blue shorts. i'm not a huge shorts fan, but these ones were too sweet to pass up.
the one black item i got haha its just a cardigan lightweight for summer to go over dresses i wear to school. and a red three-quarter sleeve jacket with white cherries on it. love it.
cardigan with little aces and clubs and shit all over it i thought it was cute and a purple tank top to match, as well as another tank top.
another shirt with those things all over it ahah it was cheap and i like that kind of shit. the back comes really low on it, its cute. green tunic...the color in this picture doesn't do it justice its such a pretty green! and a white cardigan which ive been looking for for forever now it seems like! its perfect though ahha exactly what i was looking for.
two more tunics. i like the way these ones fit theyre lower cut and KIND of have an empire waist, but theyre a bit tighter so they don't make me look preggers.
and lastly, red cardigan and a purple thermal type shirt.
now that i'm looking at everything its a lot of basics, but its stuff ive been looking for for a while now. anyways, i'm totally happy with everything i got. yay birthdays!
i'm all shopped out so i'm going to take a nap ahha.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
we be ballin'
Monday, April 9, 2007
birthday week!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
i actually like being retardedly busy?
Friday, March 30, 2007
oh, life.
Monday, March 26, 2007
fuck tha po-lice!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
party all the timeeee
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
broken everything
Monday, February 26, 2007
getting there
since i've been sick for a million years, and tv and movies get boring by yourself, i stole the super nintendo from my parent's house on the weekend. its great. i forgot how much i love this thing.
at least i feel a little better now and can go back to school tomorrow.
make some money moneeey..and see everyone.
yayyyy for being better.
ANTM starts on wednesday. be prepared for weekly updates about how i feel
about everything and who i think is going to win/should win.
Friday, February 23, 2007
sicky sicky sick-sick
Monday, February 12, 2007
okay, real update...lets go!

that was fun they have a lot of sweet old stuff. i died at my dad's bob dylan collection. i didn't know he actually liked him as much as i do ahah i thought he just like kind of liked him or something.
anyways, pat went home monday afternoonish and i stayed to hang out with lauren and cait...but then cait forgot to come meet up with us haha oops. so me and lauren just hung out.
sooo came back to toronto on monday night...hung around, did laundry, did groceries, slept a whole lot, hung out with sweet dudes a whole lot, watched sex and the city season 3....yep thats about it ahah. it was a good week off...i definetly needed it.