Monday, August 13, 2007

fresh startttttttt

tomorrow is the day
i don't think i've ever been this weirded out about starting something new before. i don't know what it is...maybe just because i was so comfortable with everything for the past 16 months. maybe its because i have to prove myself all over again. maybe i'm just plain insane hah. probably the last one...but i'm in a different world today.
i can't really remember, but i'm sure i was like this when i started at the institute too. my mind just goes crazy...but at least everyone was starting at once there. i hate being the new kid in the crowd.
we'll see, we'll see......
i finally talked to/saw julia today. which kind of settled me down a bit, but freaked me out at the same time. she started work last week and said its just not the same as school. so at least i know no one's gunna have as much fun as we did there haha. if i was the only one not loving it i would be pretty disappointed.
my fucking standards are way too high right now. i'd just like to read this entry 6 months from now and be laughing...with joy....cause my job rules. i can only hope i guess.

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