Monday, June 25, 2007


in reality, most people i talk to don't make a difference in my life.
so if you don't like me, don't waste either of our time talking to me.
seems pretty simple, doesn't it?

Saturday, June 23, 2007

randomness all around

my horoscope for today:
"You'll find yourself in a situation where you want to be flexible, but if you're too laid back, you'll get walked all over. Make your opinion known."
pretty applicable to my life.
my opinion is that i just hate being lied to about anything, but whatever makes you happy, go for it.
i've been having to hit the spacebar on here pretty hard lately. my computer's probably fucked, too. i was suppose to go home this weekend, but after a little too much party last night and not enough sleep before this morning, i decided to stay here and be a loser and watch a movie by myself tonight and sleep. good enough plan for me.
life's been throwing curve balls at me.
i'm totally gunna make this one a home run though.
and am definetly going to stop with the baseball analogies....
ps im watching baseball right now by myself ahha what have i turned into.
whatever, its background noise.
cuddle buddy needed.
that's all.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

lame-os and birthday boobie cupcakes, what a week.

i had some stuff written down on here, and then i decided to post pictures and then all the stuff disappeared. it wasn't really anything important, anyways, so don't get too bummed out about it.
i'm not impressed right now. i was a couple minutes ago, but not so much right now. there's certain people who are in my life, who really shouldn't be there at all. and its because of association, and their little weasel ways that they somehow keep making cameos. and i'm pretty over it, to be honest. pretty really over it.
i've sacrificed me being happy for years ahha for what? nothing. obviously it doesn't make me unhappy, anymore, but i just think its lame.
ANYWAAAAAAAAYS fuck that noise, go keep doing everything you want to try to be cool, "bahhhh"-ing the whole way along, and have a nice life.
swam on monday, talked to an old friend today, BBQ with birthday boobie cupcakes on friday. get stoked!

Friday, June 15, 2007

sick of:
-people's holy-er than thou attitudes
-having to walk home past a million crazys every day
-almost everything to do with this city, actually
-how time passes slowly when you need it to speed up

will always love:
-bff's who listen to me and make me feel better
-licorice parties, with or without other patrons
-telling people all the things that make you a shitty person
-shit-talking, in general, people i don't like
-my big, beautiful bed
-a long overdue cryfest

today was a bad day.
it made me look at some people differently
and made me remember why i love some people so much in the first place.
i need the weekend so bad, and i got another 24 hours until i get to it.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Color Quiz Click here to read the rest of the results.

this quiz was pretty fucking accurate ahah.

totally interesting to read.

this weekend was good. i had an awesome time at home. fuck toronto, i can't wait to leave. totally gunna be having a see yuh party at the end of july, so keep your ears posted!

Friday, June 8, 2007

t's guest after i give her a stress relief: "wow, your boyfriend must love you!"
hahahahaha ohhh if she only knew.
school has been sweet lately. i've been a lot more talkative with clients for some reason. i haven't been hating on people as much i guess. tip city, whats up!
went to cancer bats with frances last night. good times. watched canada's next top model with julia on wednesday. also good times.
today me and tristan were talking and the question came up once again about where i'm working when i'm done. i really need to buckle down and figure my shit out. he suggested oakville civello's (as well as almost everyone else i've talked to)...i just don't know. i guess i should go check it out before i make any decisions. but i guess it could be fun. rich ladys. right on lakeshore. can't really think of much more to ask for in a salon ahah.
more seriously, though, dad's been sick all week. his lungs are inflated and he hasn't been feeling well at all.
my heart dropped when mom told me. i'm glad i'm going home this weekend. i just hope that he gets better. that's the last type of stress i need.
party tomorrow night!

Monday, June 4, 2007

aaaaaaand its back to the way it was.
but i guess it didn't really ever change.
i got my guards back up and they aren't coming down for a while.
life is all about me now.
home in 2 months and i've never been happier about it.