Monday, February 26, 2007

getting there

obsessions as of late:

since i've been sick for a million years, and tv and movies get boring by yourself, i stole the super nintendo from my parent's house on the weekend. its great. i forgot how much i love this thing.

at least i feel a little better now and can go back to school tomorrow.
make some money moneeey..and see everyone.
yayyyy for being better.

ANTM starts on wednesday. be prepared for weekly updates about how i feel
about everything and who i think is going to win/should win.


Friday, February 23, 2007

sicky sicky sick-sick i've been dying for the last week.
i went to the doctors on monday, and he thought i had strept throat so he gave me these pills and a doctors note. tuesday stayed home to rest, felt better. wednesday went to school, and they sent me home. thursday died all day...thursday night lost my stomache from 11:00 - 5:30am. and now i'm awake and dying and sad cause i just want to feel normal again.
so this is where everyone feels bad for me and brings me hugs and tissues.
last weekend was fun...went to kelsey's boyfriend's birthday party. unfortunately i was exahusted and started falling asleep on the couch while all the boys played guitar hero.
sunday went grocery shopping with patrick, then mom picked me up to go home. hung out with cait and lauren it was funn. i wish it was summer so there was like more to do than watch movies inside.
i love summer.
anyways, i really don't have anything to say or talk about. i just want some company. i get so lonely when i'm sick. and sucky :(
blehhhhhh xo

Monday, February 12, 2007

okay, real update...lets go!

so im gunna kill my fucking computer cause its a piece of shit that doesn't do anything right. halfway through my entry the internet stops working for the ten millionth time today.
ANYWAYS fucking retard machine...basic sum-up of the last couple weeks starting with two weekends ago:
me and pat went to burlington.

went to the record store, it was closed, went to the other record store, looked at/bought records. went to the mall, bought too much shit. ate dinner with the rents, went to see alpha dog, justin timberlake is so fucking hot, came home and looked at my parent's records.

that was fun they have a lot of sweet old stuff. i died at my dad's bob dylan collection. i didn't know he actually liked him as much as i do ahah i thought he just like kind of liked him or something.
anyways, pat went home monday afternoonish and i stayed to hang out with lauren and cait...but then cait forgot to come meet up with us haha oops. so me and lauren just hung out.

sooo came back to toronto on monday night...hung around, did laundry, did groceries, slept a whole lot, hung out with sweet dudes a whole lot, watched sex and the city season 3....yep thats about it ahah. it was a good week off...i definetly needed it.

last weekend me and pat went to london. didnt get in until late on friday night. saturday we went to the record store downtown and spent WAY too much time in there haha.

after that we hung out with kris, ashley, jesse, his gf amy, and mike. we ate at ben was delicious. the one in london is so much sweeter than the one in hamilton ahah.

after that we went back to kris and ashley's and me and ashley played super mario world for a bit. i totally havent played in forever...i used to be so pro at it. i wish i had super nintendo here...i should trade it for the N64 i stole from my parents house ahah super nintendo is so much sweeter anyways. i'll have to do it one time when no one is paying attention ahah.

anyways, after that we went to this place called Fleetway or something and played miniputt and bowling and ate ice cream. it was pretty sweet.

after that we went back to kris and ashley's and played this board game called scene it about movies and actors and stuff. it was pretty sweet. my team won every time. its totally cause i'm so knowledgeable about movies and actors and have a great memory so i remember everything.

yep, it was a pretty sweet saturday. sunday we hung out with pat's parents and watched the superbowl and were lazy all day. it was fun i love donna and dave. my team won. only cause i always get my way ahahahah...

tuesday i started my new course at school. its been pretty good so far. lots of review and stuff. we start taking clients this week. although i did have to fix this one guest's hair that another girl kind of messed up and didn't have time to fix. which was kind of fun cause i haven't done hair in like over a week. i was all nervous and stuff cause i could feel everyone watching me'd think after a year of doing it every day all my nerves would be gone, but these people's opinions matter even more than before.

anyways, we won't talk about that too much. we'll just leave it at its good so far, and im stoked for the next 6 months. should be a fun time.

this weekend was chill. just hung out with pat did cleaning and laundry and stuff ahah. it was still fun though. oh my god we ate at hero burger...and its my new favourite place to eat ever ahah. it has been since we ate there a couple weeks ago...but its just so amazing i love it so much ahah. oh and i saw renee when we were coming back from rotate this. i miss her.

anyways im rambling about nothing now. thats what i get for not updating for almost 3 weeks.
never again.
school tomorrow wheeeeee this week should be good.
happy valentine's day, lovers.

oh ya ps

last day of school <3

celebrity look-alikes

this is what i've been doing for the past hour.

i'll do a real update later....maybe haha.